Sunday, May 8, 2011

good mood...bad mood

well today is mothers day and i had a great day with my mom we had so much fun! But now i am home and my mood has turned around into a bad mood where i really have no reason why i am grumpy but i am and that is what i hate about Bipolar most of all.  I will one minute be happy and enjoying myself then the little green monster in my head turns on the grumpy switch the one that says "hey lets make rose a bit#h".  Usually at that point i say sarcastically to myself, "wow and isn't it fun i just love being grumpy and have no way to snap out of it".  I hate having Bipolar and everything that comes with it and many times such as this i sit and cry inside wishing that i could some how in my puny insignificant human self convince God to take it back and change His mind. 
      As we all know that isn't possible I can't make God do anything but i can sure try right? 

sorry readers i dont have any encourageing words for you today all i have is reality.  This is the reality of one with Bipolar and what ever you thought it was like and how maybe you thought well they just take their pills and it makes it all perfect!!! sorry but that is a load of BS!!! It isnt possible for anyone to be happy all the time let alone for someone with Bipolar. so in moments like these when i am grumpy and bad mood has set in all i know how to get through it is to hang on to Jesus because He is the only way i will make it through this life!!!!  Dont ever give into the lie that anyone can make it alone we need Jesus I need Jesus and His love His mercy and His grace!!! Just take His hand and hold on!


  1. Even if you didn't mean it as encouraging, just pointing to Christ makes it encouraging. You are such a blessing.
